Flat Rock Brook Prepares for Cold Weather with Essential Oils

Flat Rock Brook Prepares for Cold Weather with Essential Oils
Lavender (Photo credit: Riley Huntley)

Lavender, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree…the list goes on. These essential oils can heal an ailment, make the air in a room more pleasant, or spruce up a homemade lotion. You’ve heard of them, and maybe have even used them, but why the hype over these tiny bottles of liquid?

On October 23rd at 6:30 pm, Flat Rock Brook Nature Center in Englewood, New Jersey will host an Essential Oils 101 Workshop that introduces the wonders of these natural dynamos. A Young Living representative will lead this adult program and explain the merits and uses for a variety of essential oils.

With the recent trend toward more natural and holistic lifestyles (for both personal and environmental health reasons) came a demand to find the purest ingredients for skin care products, home remedies, and cleaning agents. So essential oils entered the spotlight and have proven to be effective additions to many DIY projects.

Essential oils are derived from plants, usually by steam distillation or cold water pressing, to extract its true essence. They have therapeutic and health benefits and they provide a safer alternative to artificial fragrance oils and perfumes. Essential oils are versatile, too, so depending on your need they can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically, or taken internally.

Many studies have proven that certain chemical ingredients in products we use every day, from shampoos to household cleaners, can cause significant damage to our bodies and the environment. But essential oils act to prevent such damage. They can ease the pain of many ailments including respiratory problems, fatigue, and acne, while leaving a pleasant scent behind and a small footprint on the ecosystem.

So take a look in your cabinets at home and read those ingredient lists. If you discover a bunch of chemical names, think about making changes. The Essential Oils 101 Workshop will open your eyes to the amazing benefits of these botanicals and assist you in the journey to better health and wellness. To learn more about the program contact Flat Rock’s Education Director Jill Bennetta at (201) 567-1265 or at jill@flatrockbrook.org, or register online here.